
biggest misconceptions innovation THNK

Five biggest misconceptions about innovation

Five biggest misconceptions about innovation Organizations that do not innovate risk becoming obsolete in a rapidly changing and competitive landscape. Innovation is essential for staying relevant, fostering growth, and ensuring long-term success. To effectively spearhead change, one must truly understand its essential drivers. But a lot of advice is predicated on false premises. Here are

Five biggest misconceptions about innovation Read More »

devils dilemma

You face a devilish dilemma; stick to your ideals or let them go?

You face a devilish dilemma; stick to your ideals or let them go? Making choices is rarely easy, especially when ideals and interests clash. Austrian climate minister Leonore Gewessler risked her career for the nature restoration law, while natural winemaker Frank Cornelissen risked his reputation to save his company. Two stories about courage, pragmatism and

You face a devilish dilemma; stick to your ideals or let them go? Read More »

toxic boss

Toxic bosses have highly engaged teams, and people stay longer to work for them. How come?

Toxic bosses have highly engaged teams, and people stay longer to work for them. How come? Many organisations understand the importance of engaged employees but are unaware of the paradox that toxic leaders can have a highly motivated team. At least on paper … Humiliating experience In 2008, Apple launched ‘MobileMe’, a new internet service

Toxic bosses have highly engaged teams, and people stay longer to work for them. How come? Read More »

yes but workplace

“Yes, but…” in the workplace seems forbidden, but we need more of it

“Yes, but…” in the workplace seems forbidden, but we need more of it When United Airlines staff followed the rules too rigidly, they ended up with a bloodied passenger and significant reputational damage for the airline. Innovation expert Simone van Neerven advocates to stop covering all possible scenarios in procedures and let people think for

“Yes, but…” in the workplace seems forbidden, but we need more of it Read More »

taylor swift innovation leadership

Taylor Swift an innovator? You bet! Here are her 8 leadership lessons​

Taylor Swift an innovator? You bet! Here are her 8 leadership lessons This week marks the release of Taylor Swift’s eleventh album. The American singer has become a worldwide pop sensation. Her stormy path to success contains many lessons for business leaders. Innovation expert Simone van Neerven lists eight. Follow your heart In 2023, Taylor

Taylor Swift an innovator? You bet! Here are her 8 leadership lessons​ Read More »

things you should never say as a manager

Five things you should never say as a manager (plus better things to say)

Five things you should never say as a manager (plus better things to say) ‘Don’t bring me problems, give me solutions.’ is a phrase that leaders often say in meetings. A big problem, says innovation expert Simone van Neerven, as with these couple of words, leaders close themselves off for critical signals. And there are

Five things you should never say as a manager (plus better things to say) Read More »

japke d bouma elon musk algorithm

Struggling with change? These 6 steps guarantee success

Struggling with change? These 6 steps guarantee success Implementing change in an organisation is difficult. Yet there is an approach that guarantees success, writes innovation expert Simone van Neerven: the six-step algorithm of office expert and columnist Japke-d. Bouma. “Just take a break from meetings for a while and see what happens.” Better than Elon

Struggling with change? These 6 steps guarantee success Read More »

boris becker andre agassi tongue

Andre Agassi’s curiosity led to a surprising insight about Boris Becker’s tongue

Andre Agassi’s curiosity led to a surprising insight about Boris Becker’s tongue Curious employees are often intrinsically driven to make things better. Even though their actions don’t always seem to lead anywhere, Simone van Neerven illustrates with an anecdote about top tennis player Andre Agassi that it could potentially result in a breakthrough. Boris Becker’s

Andre Agassi’s curiosity led to a surprising insight about Boris Becker’s tongue Read More »

feike sijbesma onzeker leider

Insecurity is former CEO Feike Sijbesma’s secret to success

Insecurity is former CEO Feike Sijbesma’s secret to success Being insecure as a leader is often seen as a weakness. Being overconfident, however, will not help you either since it will prevent you from being open to new insights. Feike Sijbesma’s leadership style is impressive and shows how to be insecure yet successful, writes innovation

Insecurity is former CEO Feike Sijbesma’s secret to success Read More »

bad idea abilene paradox

If everyone knows it’s a bad idea, it won’t happen… right?

If everyone knows it’s a bad idea, it won’t happen… right? How can a group of people make a decision that every individual disagrees with? This phenomenon is known as the Abilene Paradox. According to innovation expert Simone van Neerven, this can have disastrous consequences, such as the disaster with the space shuttle Challenger in

If everyone knows it’s a bad idea, it won’t happen… right? Read More »

sameness society numb

Our society converges towards ‘sameness’ and it numbs us

Our society converges towards ‘sameness’ and it numbs us White walls, wood, and black steel. We see these design elements everywhere; in homes, workplaces, and coffee shops. That feels comfortable, writes innovation expert Simone van Neerven. But it also dulls our senses. ‘There are fewer surprises that tickle us and that doesn’t do our creativity

Our society converges towards ‘sameness’ and it numbs us Read More »

theo maassen rebel innovator nederland

Holland’s best innovator? Dutch comedian Theo Maassen!

Holland’s best innovator? Dutch comedian Theo Maassen! Theo Maassen is praised for hosting Zomergasten, a Dutch prestigious 3-hour interview show. That’s not a surprise for innovation expert Simone van Neerven. The comedian has been reinventing himself for years and – consciously or unconsciously – successfully applies many innovation lessons. Just an excerpt from one of

Holland’s best innovator? Dutch comedian Theo Maassen! Read More »

regenerative agriculture innovators

Today’s true innovators are regenerative farmers

Today’s true innovators are regenerative farmers Solutions do not always come from technology, says innovation expert Simone van Neerven. In regenerative agriculture, farmers take a step back to learn from nature. ‘Such a holistic approach would also be very useful for organisations.’ Dare to step up The Netherlands cultivates flower bulbs over a total area

Today’s true innovators are regenerative farmers Read More »

managers listen employees

Why won’t managers listen to their employees?

Why won’t managers listen to their employees? Organizations that listen to their employees perform better. Yet many managers ignore good ideas from their employees. Why is that, wonders innovation expert Simone van Neerven? “They often take criticism too personally and believe their abilities are being questioned.” Being silenced Sandra Palmen works as a top lawyer

Why won’t managers listen to their employees? Read More »

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