my work

my work

my portfolio is pretty diverse, and i am always working on different things at the same time. usually, this is a mix of larger assignments, where i collaborate with organisations on their innovation and change journey, combined with smaller assignments such as inspiring and energising organisations and teams with a keynote, a workshop, or a training

learn more about my assignments by checking out some examples!

Thanks Simone, for your kind and smooth collaboration, and for your inspiring and terrific performance. Everybody I talked to afterwards was delighted!

Having participated in the event, I still feel the energy you pumped into this room. Despite mal functioning IT and lack of oxygen and daylight… that was Champions League inspiration - once more.

rebella client logos 2024

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 👉🏻  check my youtube channel for more videos!

ask dr rebel

i answer your questions about rebellious behaviour – for rebels, and co-workers and managers of rebels

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